Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Common decency is overrated; let's just all be dicks and see where it gets us

So some bitch cut me off in traffic today.


And so a hop, skip and a ragefest later, here I am writing about it. Like a buttmad loser.

How hard is it to be nice to people? Yes, even people you don't know. We all know people who are dicks to their friends and family and that's a whole different breed of assholery that I just don't have the time to rant and rave about. But what about those people who are just dicks to those they've never met? I know a lot of people have this, "Well, I don't know them so why should I care?" mentality... but think of how easy it would be TO know that person. By the same granted luck that made it so you've never before crossed paths, that anonymous guy in front of you at the grocery store could be your classmate or your raid leader.

And yet it's perfectly fine to treat them like pond scum, not worthy of even a courtesy wave as you cut them off in traffic. Twice.

What the shit makes you so much better than them? The fact that you happen to be conscious and aware of your own existence and not theirs? Just as easily as they could be your best friend, they could also be you. They have parents and friends and co-workers who steal their lunch from the breakroom when no one's looking. They're driving behind you now so you know they probably passed a driving test, just like you. And you know that they had to wait at the DMV for an ungodly amount of time, also just like you. And now they just got cut off in traffic by some asshole who lacks the common decency to figure out where the fuck he's going before he realizes he needs to get off on the next exit and screw everyone who gets in the way of that. Twice.

Just. Like. You.

Chances are, you've been that asshole before. Don't like it when you're on the receiving end of this little game of, "Let's see how little I can care today about everyone who isn't me," do you?

I'm not saying I'm better than all that, goodness no. I have my moments, especially when I've had a particularly unforgiving day and thus feel the need to be unforgiving to everything that has the great misfortune to exist anywhere within a twenty mile radius of my person. I can openly admit that I have an issue with giving the middle finger to old people while driving. It's a problem.

I've come to find that most people never take kindness to heart. If you run into a particularly sweet person while standing in line at Wal-Mart, someone who strikes up a conversation about... whatever it is people at Wal-Mart talk about... you find yourself thinking, "Wow. What a nice lady/guy." And that's that.

Therein lies the problem. No one follows that thought train with, "Maybe I should be kind to strangers as well. It certainly brightened my day; why not brighten someone else's?" Very few people care about the happiness of others because it doesn't affect them directly. You care about the happiness of your wife because that's a deciding factor in whether or not you get dinner tonight. You're also going to care about your friends' happiness because if you piss them off, you have no one to go see that movie with this Friday. But that middle-aged guy with a beer gut standing next to you at the gas station? Fuck him. What's he ever done for you?

I'm not sure if people think it takes more effort to be nice to people but I can tell you straight up that it does not. In fact, it probably takes more effort to be a dick. Think about it: All those hours you wasted trolling the internet, hacking facebooks and ruining people's lives by uploading their personal information onto public forums (activities which do not benefit you in any way, just by the way) could be spent volunteering at an animal shelter or bringing cake to that lonely lady who lives next door.

Yes it's true that being too nice can lead to being taken advantage of but... I mean, seriously, that's only if you let it happen. There's a good divider between the worlds of Nice and Doormat. I'm certainly not telling you to actively worry about the moods of others, strangers or otherwise, but it really only takes a fraction of brain power to consider them... and that's really all anyone could ask of you. It's not a weakness and it sure as shit ain't rocket science to not actively try to be a douchebag and so I'm still trying to understand why I got cut off in traffic today. Twice.

1 comment:

  1. And this is in ARIZONA, aren't people supposed to be better drivers there?

    It really is so easy to be nice, and it makes people feel so good with just the littlest things. I was at the grocery store the other day grabbing a cart, and made eye contact with the lady next to me. As is customary I just gave a basic "Hey how are you" without expecting any kind of response. She enthusiastically tells me she's doing great and then tells me she loves my jeans. These are now my favorite jeans. Simple as that, 6 seconds, barely a sentence spoken by either party, and I think we made eachother's days.
